CPD Modules

A CPD Module is a 'credit-bearing' module, normally 5 or 10 credits.  UCC offers a number of 'stand-alone' CPD modules that can be completed without the need to be registered for a full programme (degree or masters).   Credits can be accumulated through CPD courses and where appropriate can be transferred to a programme within the university or another European Univeristy (see ECTS Transfer of Credits for further information).  Contact the Graduate Studies Office for further details in relatinon to credit accumulation.


CPD Offerings

UCC also offers a wide variety of non-credit-bearing CPD offerings for professionals. These can be used towards maintenance of CPD hours / CPD points in your chosen profession.  A number of these offerings are accredited by professional bodies. If you have any queries about whether a CPD offering is affiliated to or accredited by a professional body or whether the offering is suitable for your CPD portfolio, please contact the Centre for CPD - cpd@ucc.ie.

This is entirely down to the professional body that you are a member of / affiliated with.  We would advise you that if you are at all uncertain as to whether or not a CPD Module/Offering will meet your CPD requirements, that you should contact the Centre for CPD (cpd@ucc.ie) for advice and next steps.

If a CPD Module/Offering has been reviewed by a professional body and is accredited to that organisation, then it will be advertised with those details.  In some instances, CPD offerings can be relevant to numerous professions and UCC may only have accreditation from one or two professional bodies.  This should not exclude you from using the CPD in your portfolio for a yourprofessional body.

This is dependent on a number of factors.  If you are applying for:

CPD Module:

Modules usually have detailed entry requirements.  These requirements usually take the form of a certain academic entry point (participation in previous modules of certain types), but may also include a certain level of professional experience, access to technology, the internet etc.  If you know the module code for the CPD module that you are interested in, you can check entry requirements in UCC's Book of Modules.  If you have a query in relation to entry requirements for a CPD module, please contact the course co-ordinator listed in the Book of Modules.

CPD Offering:

Entry requirements for CPD Offerings can be quite varied, but normally, it is the case that attendees must be qualified in their given profession, and if applicable, a member of a professional body.  Each CPD Offering will state the necessary entry requirements.  If there are no entry requirements listed on the CPD Offering, then it is usually the case that it is open for any level of professional to attend on payment of the registration fee.  If you have a query in relation to entry requirements for a CPD Offering, please contact the Centre for CPD (cpd@ucc.ie).



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